Great Arcana Cards Meanings

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Tarot Card Meanings
Tarot Card Meanings jokers

Meaning of the Crazy Card

Among Tarot cards, the Joker (or “The Fool” or “The Lad” as most of them are called) usually represents a beginning, pure energy, innocence and unlimited potential. The meaning of this card can vary, often depending on the direct question, the placement of the card and the reader’s intuition, but in general it can mean

  1. New Beginnings: Embarking on a new chapter, adventure or experience in life.
  2. Innocence: Looking at the world with childlike curiosity, free from prejudices.
  3. Potential: Untapped or undiscovered talents and possibilities.
  4. Risk-Free Initiative: Don’t hesitate to start something or take a step, but this can sometimes mean that you are unprepared or impulsive.
  5. Freedom: The freedom to live without limiting yourself.
  6. The unknown: Not knowing exactly what lies ahead, but moving forward anyway.

If this card is reversed, it may represent carelessness, indecision or an unwanted risk.

It should always be remembered that the meanings of Tarot cards are broad and flexible. The meaning of a card may vary depending on its relationship to other cards, the question and the reader’s intuition.

Taot cards meanings
Taot cards meanings

Meaning of the Wizard Card

The “Magician” card also belongs to the Great Arcana series of the Tarot and is often associated with personal power and creativity. Here are the possible meanings of the “Magician” card:

  1. Creativity and Talent: Original thinking and the ability to produce creative solutions.
  2. Personal Power The ability and confidence to do what you want.
  3. Communication: The ability to communicate effectively with those around you.
  4. Transformation: The ability to use the resources around you to turn situations in your favor.
  5. Self-Actualization: Self-actualization by maximizing your potential.
  6. Consciousness: Being aware of and using consciousness of both the inner and outer world.

The Magician card is also seen as a symbol of manifestation and shaping your own reality. This card shows that you can have more control and influence over your own life.


Meaning of the Saint Card

Also known as the “High Priestess”. This card is associated with intuition, subconscious knowledge, mystery and understanding. Here are the possible meanings of the card “The Priestess”:

  1. Intuition and Insight: Trusting your instincts and seeking inner guidance.
  2. Wisdom and Understanding: Deep wisdom and diving deep to understand.
  3. Subconscious Knowledge: Listening to and interpreting messages from your subconscious mind.
  4. Mystery and Secret: Access to hidden or as yet unknown information.
  5. Balanced Decisions: Making decisions using both your logic and your emotions.
  6. Feminine Energy Creative, receptive and nurturing feminine energy.

“The Priestess” card often represents a secret, a piece of information that has not yet been revealed, or an inner discovery. This card shows that you can access this information using your intuitive abilities and insights.

When reversed, this card can represent a lack of insight, superficial knowledge, imbalance or unacknowledged inner knowledge.

“The Priestess” card can often be interpreted as a call to explore your inner world and understand subconscious knowledge and thought patterns. This card also symbolizes the potential to attain wisdom and understanding.

Meaning of the Empress Card

“The Empress” card is often associated with fertility, fertility and nature. Here are the possible meanings of “The Empress” card:

  1. Fertility and Fertility: Abundance of creative energy, birth of new ideas or projects.
  2. Mothering and Caring: Supporting others in a nurturing and protective way.
  3. Nature and Environment: A deep connection with the natural world and its riches.
  4. Beauty and Art: Aesthetic understanding and the search for beauty, artistic expression.
  5. Abundance and Prosperity: Material and emotional abundance is a sign of prosperity.
  6. Emotional Richness: Emotional balance and expression, a loving atmosphere.

The Empress is also an intuitive card, reminding you to trust your inner senses. Creativity and fertility are the main themes of this card, and this can be both in terms of real, concrete projects and ideas, as well as more abstract, emotional creativity.

When reversed, “The Empress” card can represent negative maternal traits such as inefficiency, lack of creativity or overprotectiveness and dominance.

When the Empress card appears, you may feel that you are in a period of fertility and creativity, but also of intuitive understanding and empathy. This card reminds you to be in harmony with the world around you and to respect natural rhythms.

Tarot Card meanings
Tarot Card meanings

Meaning of the Emperor Card

“The Emperor” card is often associated with authority, discipline and control. Here are the possible meanings of “The Emperor” card:

  1. Authority and Control: Leadership, control and management power.
  2. Stability and Safety: Solid foundations and safe environment.
  3. Discipline and Structure: Order, rules and discipline.
  4. Protection The desire and ability to protect others.
  5. Practical Intelligence: The ability to think logically and find practical solutions.
  6. Father Figure Fatherly energy, guidance and support.

The Emperor card represents the desire to have control and authority over a situation, as well as the ability to manage and protect others. This card can also indicate the need to maintain or re-establish order and structure in your life.

When reversed, this card can represent negative traits such as excessive control, authoritarianism, emotional coldness or inflexibility.

The Emperor card usually symbolizes your search for order and stability in your life, as well as your desire and ability to take the lead in a particular matter. This card reminds you that you need to be disciplined and focused to achieve your goals.

Tarot Card Meanings

Meaning of the Saint Card

“The Hierophant” card, or sometimes also known as “The High Priest”, is often associated with tradition, religion, education and moral values. Here are the possible meanings of “The Hierophant” card:

  1. Education and Training: Seeking knowledge, learning and teaching.
  2. Tradition and Morality: Traditional structures and values of society.
  3. The Spiritual Quest: Spirituality, belief systems and religious practices.
  4. Guidance and Counseling: Guiding and supporting others.
  5. Community and Group Belonging: Belonging to a group or community.
  6. Wisdom Deep wisdom and understanding.

“The Hierophant” card often represents a guide, teacher, counselor or any type of learning and teaching process. This card can encourage you to review your existing belief systems, values and traditions, as well as gain a deeper understanding in your search for knowledge and guidance.

When reversed, “The Hierophant” card can indicate rigid traditions, unquestioned beliefs and inflexible thinking. It can also be associated with blind conformity and bigotry.

This card often marks a time to reflect on one’s own spiritual beliefs and values, and can also be an opportunity to guide or receive guidance from those around you.

Tarot card meanings
Tarot cards meanings lovers

Meaning of the Lovers Card

“The Lovers” card is usually associated with love, unity, and decisions. Here are the possible meanings of “The Lovers” card:

  1. Love and Unity: Romantic relationships, intimacy and love.
  2. Harmony and Unity: Emotional balance and harmonious relationships.
  3. Decisions and Choices: Making an important choice in life.
  4. Balancing: Balancing between opposing energies.
  5. Wholeness and Unification: The union and integration of two different elements.
  6. Personal Beliefs and Values: Making decisions based on values and personal beliefs.

The Lovers card symbolizes the union of two opposite or different energies, thoughts or people. This card can represent not only romantic relationships, but also close friendships, business partnerships and all kinds of dual relationships.

This card can also mean being at a crossroads in life and having to make an important decision or choice. This choice is often made on the basis of personal values and beliefs.

When reversed, the Lovers card can represent disharmony, imbalance, indecision and wrong choices.

The Lovers card usually represents the potential to develop a deeper understanding and sense of unity in relationships, but also to gain inner guidance and insight into important choices and decisions in your life.

Tarot Cards
Tarot Cards

Meaning of the Car Card

The Chariot card is commonly known as the “Chariot” card in Turkish and is often associated with victory, willpower, control and self-discipline. Here are the possible meanings of “The Chariot” card:

  1. Victory and Success: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges.
  2. Control and Discipline: Ability to manage internal and external challenges.
  3. Willpower A strong motivation and desire to achieve the goal.
  4. Self Confidence Strong self-esteem and self-confidence.
  5. Journey: A physical or spiritual journey.
  6. Focus and Goal Setting: Focus and determination to achieve the goal.

The Car card is often associated with personal strength and determination, representing the drive and motivation needed to achieve your goals. This card symbolizes the potential to triumph despite the difficulties and obstacles you face.

When reversed, this card can signal negative situations such as loss of control, directionlessness, aggression and aimlessness.

The Car card is often associated with your ability to take control of your own life, increase your motivation and achieve your desired goals. The appearance of this card often signals situations that require focused, goal-oriented action.


Meaning of the Power Card:

  • Direction of Meaning: The Strength card represents inner strength, perseverance and willpower. It signifies the capacity to cope with a situation, to face inner fears and to persevere in the face of difficulties. It also means patience, understanding and gentle strength.
  • Reversed Meaning Direction: When reversed, this card can be a sign of inner fears, anger or loss of control. It can also express manipulation, bullying and a feeling of powerlessness.
  • Love Meaning: In love situations, this card represents harmony, balance and respect for each other in a relationship. It can be a sign of a strong bond and maturity between two people.
  • Health Meaning: In health situations, this card symbolizes a person’s inner strength and capacity for healing. It may require responsibility and discipline in taking care of oneself and maintaining a good lifestyle.
  • Career and Finance Meaning: In career and finance situations, this card signifies having control over affairs, overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The Power card reminds us of the importance of personal strength and finding inner balance, and shows that with this balance we can deal with inner fears and difficulties.


Meaning of the Hermit Card:

  • Direction of Meaning: The retreat card represents the inner quest, the search for wisdom, self-reflection and meditation. This card also carries positive meanings such as guidance, wisdom and turning towards one’s inner light.
  • Reversed Meaning Direction: When reversed, this card can express feelings of loneliness, isolation, inner conflict and not facing reality.
  • Love Related Meaning: In love situations, Retreat can mean withdrawal or separation in a relationship. It can be a need to evaluate a relationship or a need for personal space.
  • Health-related Meaning: In health situations, this card can represent reflection, meditation and soul-searching on personal health and well-being.
  • Career and Finance Meaning: In business and finance situations, Retreat can refer to a focus on an individual project, deep work-related reflection and an inner career-related search.

The Hermit card represents gaining wisdom and finding your own inner light through inner search and solitude on a personal level.


Meaning of the Wheel of Destiny Card

The Wheel of Fate card is commonly known as one of the major arcana cards of the Tarot deck and is often associated with change, fate, luck, cycles and inevitable events. This card symbolizes that life is like an ever-changing and spinning wheel. So, sometimes we can be lucky and successful, and sometimes we can face difficulties.

When the Wheel of Destiny card appears, it usually indicates that a significant change or transformation is coming in one’s life. These changes may be unexpected and beyond one’s control. However, this card also emphasizes the capacity to accept and adapt as part of these cycles.

The Wheel of Fate can also be seen as a positive card, as it can often indicate positive changes, such as a turn of luck, a turn of fortune. However, the meaning of this card depends entirely on its context and the surrounding cards.


Meaning of the Justice Card

The Justice card is one of the major arcana cards of the Tarot deck and often represents themes such as balancing the scales, justice and fairness. When the Justice card is revealed, it can indicate decision-making processes, legal issues, ethical considerations and the need to be fair.

This card also indicates that one must balance the consequences of one’s actions, that is, that every action has a consequence, and that these consequences will be manifested in a just manner. The Justice card also symbolizes the process of finding one’s own inner balance and harmony.

The Justice card can indicate situations where you need to make a fair and impartial assessment, make fair decisions or be treated fairly. It may also indicate that a past injustice will be righted, a dispute will be settled fairly, or the results of a decision will soon be seen.

Hanged Man Card Meaning

The Hanged Man card is one of the major arcana cards of the Tarot deck. It often represents themes of sacrifice, gaining a new perspective, waiting and inner enlightenment. The figure in the card is depicted hanging upside down from a tree or pole, and this posture suggests that he is looking at the world from a different perspective.

When the Hanged Man card comes out, it can show the following:

  1. Self-sacrifice: The need to give up something to get something.
  2. Waiting and Patience: Waiting for the right time to change your current situation.
  3. Inner Enlightenment: Focusing on inner thought and enlightenment rather than outer actions.
  4. A Different Perspective: That you need to look at the situation or problem from a different perspective.
  5. Letting Go Releasing some control and trusting the universe.

The Hanged Man represents a sometimes uncomfortable period of pause or delay, but at the end of this period there is usually a deeper understanding or enlightenment. This card reminds us that sometimes in life we have to sacrifice something to get something. It also indicates that in some situations it may be more beneficial to take time to wait, observe and gain insight rather than to take active action.

Tarot Death Card
Tarot card meanings

Meaning of the Death Card

Death Card (XIII):

The Death card is an often feared and misunderstood card in the tarot deck. However, the meaning this card usually represents is not physical death. Its real meaning is a great transformation, an end and a new beginning.

  • Transformation and Change: The Death card symbolizes the end of an important period in your life and the beginning of a new beginning. This could be the end of a relationship, a career change, a major change in lifestyle or the abandonment of personal habits.
  • Renewal The card also signals a process of renewal and refreshment after a situation has ended. The end of old habits, beliefs or relationships can open the way for new opportunities and new beginnings.
  • Acceptance and Release: This card emphasizes the importance of accepting life’s inevitable changes and releasing what is stuck in the past. This process can be challenging at times, but it is also a necessary step for growth and development.

Although the death card often symbolizes an end, it is also a harbinger of a new beginning. When this card appears, it is advisable to be ready for a process of change and transformation and to let go of the old and be open to the new.

Meaning of the Balance Card

Of the Tarot cards, the “14th Balance” card is commonly known as “Moderation” or “Temperance” and represents the themes of balance, harmony, patience and finding the middle ground.

Balance (Moderation) Card (XIV):

  • Balance and Harmony: The Balance card emphasizes the importance of finding balance and harmony in various areas of your life. This could be emotional, mental, physical or spiritual balance. For example, it may indicate the need to balance between work and private life, or between different relationships and your inner world.
  • Patience and Moderation: The card reminds you to be patient and take measured steps to achieve your goals. It emphasizes the importance of slow and steady progress instead of quick and hasty solutions.
  • Harmony and Integrity: The Balance card also symbolizes the importance of integrating different thoughts and feelings in harmony. By building a bridge between opposing views and feelings, it encourages a holistic understanding and inner peace.
  • Flexibility and Adaptation: Indicates the need to adapt flexibly to changing situations and circumstances. Being flexible in your decisions and behavior allows you to be more successful and adaptable in the face of challenges.

The Balance card usually indicates the need to create or maintain an element of balance in your life. This card is considered an important guide, especially for those seeking personal growth and inner peace.

Devil Card Meaning

One of the most misleading cards in the Tarot deck, the Devil plays on the theme of attachment and dependence. This card is often associated with restrictive situations and unhealthy attachments.


  • Commitment
  • Addiction
  • Materialism
  • Seduction
  • Restriction

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: Unhealthy bonds, toxic relationships, jealousy and manipulation.
  • Work and Career: Manipulation at work, unethical decisions, excessive ambition.
  • Health The damaging effects of bad habits and addictions.
  • Spiritual Journey: Recognizing your own inner chains and the effort to break free from them.

Conclusion: The Devil card offers you an opportunity to recognize the attachments and addictions in your life. This card calls you to review your current situation and break free from the chains that limit you. It’s time to make the changes needed to gain your freedom. In this process, it is important to discover your inner strength and make healthier choices.

Tower Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most dramatic cards in the Tarot deck, the Tower represents sudden change and destruction. This card symbolizes unexpected events and the shaking of core beliefs.


  • Sudden change
  • Demolition
  • Enlightenment
  • Liberation
  • Chaos

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: Unexpected and fundamental changes in the relationship, major arguments or breakups.
  • Work and Career: Major shake-ups at work, sudden job changes or radical career transformations.
  • Health Unexpected changes in health status, crises.
  • Spiritual Journey: Questioning your belief systems, reaching a new awareness through crises.

Conclusion The Tower card shakes up the structures in your life, forcing you to build a new life on firmer foundations. Although this card is often challenging and troublesome, in the end the changes it brings are necessary for personal growth and transformation. Shake-ups offer the opportunity to tear down the old and build the new. Accepting this process and taking steps towards the future can give you a better perspective and a solid foundation in the long run.

Star Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most promising cards in the Tarot deck, the Star signifies optimism and spiritual guidance. This card symbolizes the process of renewal and purification that comes after hardship.


  • Hope
  • Inspiration
  • Healing
  • Regeneration
  • Guidance

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: Hope and harmony in relationships, emotional renewal.
  • Work and Career: A period of increased creativity and inspiration, new opportunities.
  • Health The process of healing and recovery, the improvement of health in general.
  • Spiritual Journey: Finding inner peace, spiritual guidance and enlightenment.

Conclusion The Star card symbolizes the rebirth of hope and optimism after difficult times in your life. This card guides you through the process of achieving inner peace and wholeness. The Star reminds you that healing and positive changes are possible after every situation, no matter how challenging. Now is the time to accept the healing that the universe offers you and look to the future with a brighter outlook.

Moon Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most mysterious cards in the Tarot deck, the Moon represents uncertainty, deception and inner fears. This card calls for digging deep into the subconscious to uncover the truth.


  • Uncertainty
  • Deception
  • Inner fears
  • Insight
  • Subconscious

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: Uncertainties and illusions in relationships, concealment of true feelings.
  • Work and Career: Deceptions and misunderstandings in business, concealment of true intentions.
  • Health Psychological health and subconscious issues, problems related to mental health.
  • Spiritual Journey: Confronting your inner world, discovering your own fears and subconscious secrets.

Conclusion: The Moon card makes you aware of uncertainties and fears in your life. This card requires deep insight to bring the truth to the surface and move forward on your own inner journey. The uncertainties you face offer you the opportunity to better understand yourself and your surroundings. Guided by the Moon, you can take bold steps to explore your inner world and illuminate your truths.

Sun Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most positive cards in the Tarot deck, the Sun means success, happiness and clarity. This card symbolizes a period full of energy and vitality and is considered a sign that heralds success in all areas of your life.


  • Happiness
  • Success
  • Vitality
  • Enlightenment
  • Positive energy

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: Happy and healthy relationships, emotional fulfillment and joy.
  • Work and Career: Success and recognition at work, positive results in projects.
  • Health A period of good health and energy, general optimism.
  • Spiritual Journey: Big steps in personal development, self-realization and enlightenment.

Conclusion: The Sun card indicates that it is time for a new beginning in your life and to celebrate existing achievements. This card encourages you to be open to positive changes and opportunities in your life. It reminds you that all is well and that you should enjoy the goodness that the universe has to offer. With the Sun shining brightly, abundance and joy will prevail in all areas of your life.

Court (Justice) Tarot Card Meaning

The “Justice” card in the Tarot deck stands for truth, justice and karmic balance. This card symbolizes a fair outcome in any situation and reminds you to consider the consequences of every decision.


  • Justice
  • Balance
  • Accuracy
  • Responsibility
  • Stability

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: The importance of fair and balanced behavior in relationships, mutual respect and understanding.
  • Work and Career: Ethical behavior and fair decisions in business life, fulfillment of professional responsibilities.
  • Health: The importance of making the right decisions about health issues, fair assessment of lifestyle changes.
  • Spiritual Journey: Taking personal responsibility, accepting the consequences of your own actions.

Conclusion: The Justice card indicates that it’s time to face important decisions in your life. This card emphasizes that you need to be fair and carefully consider the consequences of your decisions. With the scales of justice, you have to balance the consequences of your actions and decisions and find the right path in the karmic cycle. Aiming for truth and fairness in every situation will lead you to a better path in the long run.

World Tarot Card Meaning

One of the most positive cards in the Tarot deck, Earth means completion, success and wholeness. This card symbolizes the successful completion of a cycle in your life and that you are ready for a new beginning.


  • Completion
  • Success
  • Integrity
  • Harmony
  • World House

Card Meanings:

  • Love and Relationships: The end of an era in a relationship and the herald of a new beginning, harmony and integrity in relationships.
  • Work and Career: Successful completion of a project in business life, new opportunities in career.
  • Health: A general improvement in health status and balance, physical and mental integrity.
  • Spiritual Journey: Completing an important period in personal development, reaching spiritual goals.

Conclusion The World card symbolizes a time to celebrate your achievements and move on to new goals following completed projects. This card emphasizes the importance of inner peace and wholeness as well as worldly achievements. It reminds you that this is a perfect time for closing the cycles in your life and for new beginnings. Get ready to start a new chapter in your life with the wholeness and harmony that the Earth offers.

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